ModPlus settings
Call options
- ModPlus menu
- ModPlus palette
- AutoCad Ribbon
- Revit Ribbon
- AutoCAD command line: _mpSettings

The main settings of the ModPlus plug-in are similar to the settings on the tab Settings in the Configurator.
ModPlus settings window in Revit
General tab allows you to select the interface language and change the design theme. Change language automatically option allows you to change the localization of all ModPlus components depending on the version of Revit you are running. Use Build-in commands to disable the addition of ModPlus build-in commands to the Revit ribbon.
Notification settings allows to select which notifications will be shown to the user. Similar settings are present in the Auto update module.
Licsense server
Selecting and configuring the license server. A description of the settings can be found later in the chapter License server settings.
Coloring tabs
Coloring tabs — enable/disable the service that allows to color the open tabs related to the same document with the same color.
More details about this setting are described in the Help: Coloring tabs.
The service allows you to change the settings of Revit color schemes.
For a more detailed description, see in the Help: Color Schemes.
This service allows to automatically save files at specified intervals.
More detailed explanations of the functions and settings of this option are described in the Help: Autosaver.
ModPlus settings window in Renga
Settings window includes several groups: general settings and license server settings.
In the General group it is possible to select the interface language, change the design theme and configure notifications (described earlier).
License Server settings are described further in the License Server Settings chapter.
ModPlus settings window in AutoCAD
In the General group it is possible to select the interface language, change the design theme and configure notifications (described earlier). Change language automatically option allows you to change the localization of all ModPlus components depending on the version of AutoCAD you are running.
In the Adaptation group it is possible to select the variant of displaying adaptation elements — tabs on the ribbon, palettes and floating menu.
The main palette can contain a tab with all the installed and connected plugins, a tab with the list of open drawings, as well as connected tabs — Layout manager and Smart Properties.
When the Floating menu option is activated, the ModPlus floating menu will be freely placed on the screen.
When hovering over the floating menu a list with all installed plugins will be displayed. It is possible through this menu to call the main settings window and the list of open drawings (if enabled in the settings).
It is also possible to call the Title blocks plugin field settings.
If the Drawings (separately) option is activated, the list of open drawings will be placed in a separate floating menu.
Detailed description of each setting is given in the help:
- Set Nested Objects to ByBlock
- Set Nested Objects layer
- Frequently Used Blocks
- Viewport boundaries in model space
- Add and Remove vertices of wipeout
Select and configure the License Server. The settings are described in the next chapter License server settings.
License server settings
License server settings are the same for all programs (Revit, Renga, AutoCAD).
License Server type – drop-down list for selecting the license server type. There are 3 options available: License server is not used, LAN License Server, Web License Server.
Web License server
Group Web License Server allows you to configure the settings of the license server id and email for user identification to communicate with Web License Server similar to the settings in Configurator
Check connection with license server – check connection with Web License Server. License Server must be enabled
Check user access – verification of the user with the specified email authentication for access to the Web License Server. The license server must be enabled. User with email identification must be added to the list of allowed
Stop connecting to the license server – disconnects the connection with the license server in the current product session (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga). If other copies of products are running at this time, the connection to the server in them does not stop.
Restore connection to the license server – enables connection to the license server in the current product session (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga)
Do not connect to the license server during the next launches – if this checkbox is checked, all subsequent launches of the current product (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga) will not connect to the License Server
LAN License server
Group LAN License Server allows you to set the ip address and port settings to communicate with License Server similar to the settings in Configurator
Also allows:
Check connection with license server – check connection with LAN License Server. License Server must be enabled to listen
Stop connecting to the license server – disconnects the connection with the license server in the current product session (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga). If other copies of products are running at this time, the connection to the server in them does not stop.
Restore connection to the license server – enables connection to the license server in the current product session (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga)
Do not connect to the license server during the next launches – if this checkbox is checked, all subsequent launches of the current product (AutoCAD, Revit, Renga) will not connect to the License Server